Our Home Care Package Service
We can help you maintain your independence in your own home for as long as possible through a Home Care Package. We know how important it is to be surrounded by familiar things and to keeping being a part of your local community . These packages are funded by the commonwealth government.We tailor a suite of services to your home care package budget. You choose what sorts of things you want to get help with and we can do the rest . You are in control of the services you would like. They can include things like:
- Bathing, showering or personal hygiene
- Home and garden services
- Medication monitoring
- Meal preparation
- In-home respite
- Social support
- Allied health
- Transport
- Shopping
- Laundry
- Cleaning
- Nursing
Accessing a Home Care Package
To access a Home Care Package you will need to register with My Aged Care who will organise an free assessment by the Aged Care Assessment Teams (ACAT). Call 1800 200 422 or visit www.myagedcare.gov.au
Home Care Packages range from basic supports (Level 1) through to more complex needs (Level 4).
Once you have been approved for a home care package you will go in a national queue and will be assigned a package when funds become available.
All you have to do then is give us a call so that we can put your Home Care Package in place.
Do I have to pay anything for a Home Care Package?
Home Care Packages are government subsidised, but there may still be some fees you need to pay. When you are with Wendy’s you:
- Will not be charged a ‘daily fee’ or an establishment fee;
- Will receive an easy to read budget which outlines what costs (if any) you need to cover;
- Will get help to understand how the government’s income-tested fee might apply to you and how to find more information about whether you might need to contribute to your cost of care.
Help is always at hand if you want to talk to one of our experienced Home Care Package team members.