NDIS: Our views on the first 5 years. What have we learnt?
We have developed a great understanding of how NDIS funding works over the years and want to share our knowledge with you, as we know how difficult it can sometimes be if you are new to NDIS.
So, why is Wendy’s the best choice as your NDIS service provider?
- We provide progress reports free of charge to help participants when they’re going through a review of their NDIS plan.
- We know how important it is to be flexible with changes that need to be made to NDIS and flexibility is one of our strengths.
- Although we aren’t funded to advocate for our NDIS clients, we are very strong advocates helping participants get the help they need from their Support Coordinators.
- If we cannot provide th e support a participant needs, we are happy to provide information to help you find an alternative provider who may be of assistance.
When running your NDIS plan, there are a few things you need to know. - First of all, speak up for yourself. The NDIS allocates funding to you based on the information you present them with. So it’s important you are confident in expressing your needs so they can hear your concerns and assist you.
- Requesting a Support Coordinator will help ensure you can access any services you may need within your NDIS budget. Not everyone will be allocated an NDIS Support Coordinator, and if this is the case for you, make sure you have a good advocate on your side to advise on your behalf if needed.
- Ask for recommendations for Support Coordinators. Wendy’s Home Care has no conflict of interest as we don’t offer Support Coordinator services and we are more than happy to share our experience and knowledge with you on this.
- We also recommend you have a minimum of two people delivering your NDIS supports so in the event that one cannot assist, you can call on someone you know well and you won’t go without help!
- Finally, great support staff are like gold! Here at Wendy’s Home Care we are so proud of our team of support workers and treat them with respect and compassion at all times.
Wendy’s Home Care is a family-owned and operated business. Our staff are friendly, caring support workers who are qualified in all aspects of disability care and are very professional in their field.
We hope this has cleared up some questions you may have had and given you some insight into areas you mightn’t have even thought about! As always, we are here to help. If you have any questions about the NDIS, chat to our friendly team.